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Spartillion Bakulog
Card Image Faction B-Power Damage Rating Paired BakuCores Included In
Spartillion (Pyrus Card) ENG 283 CC SG.png Pyrus Spartillion Core (Open).png Pyrus Pyrus Icon-power.png 100 4 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Magic Shield BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Shield BakuCore.png
Spartillion (Aquos Card) ENG 235 CC SG.png Aquos Spartillion Core (Open).png Aquos Aquos Icon-power.png 600 4 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Fist BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Fist BakuCore.png
Spartillion (Haos Card) ENG 269 CC SG.png Haos Spartillion Core (Open).png Haos Haos Icon-power.png 300 3 Icon-damage.png Battle Planet Fist BakuCore.pngBattle Planet Fist BakuCore.png
Spartillion (Ventus Card) ENG 289 CC GG.png Ventus Spartillion Core (Open).png Ventus Ventus Icon-power.png 500 1 Icon-damage.png BakuCore Helix Symbol.pngBattle Planet Shield BakuCore.png
Spartillion (Darkus Card) ENG 259 CC SG.png Darkus Spartillion Core (Open).png Darkus Darkus Icon-power.png 500 5 Icon-damage.png BakuCore Helix Symbol.pngBattle Planet Fist BakuCore.png
Spartillion (Aurelus Card) ENG 246 CC SG.png Aurelus Spartillion Core (Open).png Aurelus Aurelus Icon-power.png 400 7 Icon-damage.png BakuCore Helix Symbol.pngBakuCore Helix Symbol.png
Spartillion (Diamond Card) ENG 211 RA SG.png Diamond Spartillion Core (Open).png Aurelus Aurelus/Diamond Diamond Icon-power.png 1100 16 Icon-damage.png (Evo of Aurelus Spartillion)
Spartillion (Aurelus Card) ENG 246 CC SG EL.png Elemental Aurelus Spartillion (Open).png Aurelus Aurelus/Elemental Icon-power.png 400 7 Icon-damage.png (Identical to Aurelus Spartillion)