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List of Symbols

Revision as of 06:58, 22 February 2022 by SyntaxTsundere (talk | contribs) (Attributes/Factions)

There are large number of different symbols that convey different information in the Bakugan franchise. This page contains a list of symbols in the Bakugan Reboot Trading Card Game.



  • Pyrus - Pyrus is generally considered to represent fire.
  • Aquos - Aquos is generally considered to represent water.
  • Subterra - Only found in Legacy, Subterra is generally considered to represent the earth.
  • Haos - Haos is generally considered to represent light.
  • Darkus - Darkus is generally considered to represent darkness.
  • Ventus - Legacy Ventus is generally considered to represent wind, whilst Reboot Ventus instead is considered to represent nature.
  • Aurelus - Only found in the Reboot, Aurelus is considered to represent raw energy.

Trading Card Game

Combat Keywords

Tag-Word Abilities

  •   Victor: Activates special effects when the Brawl is won by the Player.
  •   Team Attack (Tag-Word): Activates special effects when a Team Attack is initiated by the Player.