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Ventusmashers (Card)

Revision as of 06:20, 23 October 2019 by Abce2 (talk | contribs) (will probably put damage and power on the same line, but I don't have time tonight/In the case these turn out the be the names of the Baku-Gear instead of abstract card names we can just move them. Shouldn't be too much stuff to do.)

[[Category:Baku-Gear Cards ({{{series}}})]] [[Category:Ventus Cards ({{{series}}})]]

Ventusmashers (#111)
This card has no effect.
Series: [[{{{series}}}]]
Card Type: Baku-Gear Card


Energy: 2 Battle Planet Energy Symbol.png
B-Power: +200 Icon-power.png
Damage: +0 Icon-damage.png
Armor Rating: 0 BAA Shield Symbol.png
Set: AV
Serial: 111_CO_AV
Rarity: Common
Artist: Unknown

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