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Pyrus Ultra Smaug (EV)

Revision as of 05:47, 1 December 2022 by SyntaxTsundere (talk | contribs) (Errata)
BBP Pyrus.svg Ultra Smaug
Ultra Smaug (Pyrus Card) ENG 105 CC EV.png
This card has no effect.
Card Type: Character
Series: Evolutions



Battle Planet Magic Shield BakuCore.png

Battle Planet Flaming Fist BakuCore.png

B-Power: Icon-power.png 800
Damage: 4 Icon-damage.png
Set: EV
Serial: 105_CC_EV
Artist: Unknown
Base  • Epic (Does Not Exist)

Hyper (Does Not Exist)  • Titan (Does Not Exist)  • Maximus (Does Not Exist)

Diamond (Does Not Exist)

Featured With


  • The card name doesn't match any actual Bakugan, instead referencing code name of Serpillious. Unless otherwise ruled, Pyrus Ultra Smaug is intended to be played with the Bakugan: Evolutions Pyrus Serpillious Ultra toy.
    • Later prints of this card refer to it as Pyrus Serpillious Ultra - there are no known prints of this card that match the intended name of Pyrus Ultra Serpillious.