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List of Symbols

Revision as of 23:22, 1 July 2023 by Abce2 (talk | contribs) (Clans)

There are large number of different symbols that convey different information in the Bakugan franchise. This page contains a list of symbols in the Bakugan Legacy Game and the Generation 2 Trading Card Game.


Attributes, Factions, and Clans

Attributes and Factions

  • Pyrus - Pyrus is generally considered to represent fire.
  • Aquos - Aquos is generally considered to represent water.
  • Subterra - Only found in Legacy, Subterra is generally considered to represent the earth.
  • Haos - Haos is generally considered to represent light.
  • Darkus - Darkus is generally considered to represent darkness.
  • Ventus - Legacy Ventus is generally considered to represent wind, whilst Reboot Ventus instead is considered to represent nature.
  • Aurelus - Only found in the Reboot, Aurelus is considered to represent raw energy.
  • Diamond - Only found in the Reboot, Diamond is a special type of Evolution.
  • All-Faction - Only found in the Reboot, All-Faction is a combination of all the Factions.


Clans were added in the third Generation of Bakugan. They generally represent groupings of Bakugan with similar physical characteristics, with the Misfit Clan being the outlier.

  • Avian Clan - The Avian Clan encompasses flying or otherwise airborne Bakugan.
  • Insect Clan - The Insect Clan encompasses insectoid Bakugan.
  • Dino Clan - The Dino Clan encompasses prehistoric Bakugan.
  • Dragon Clan - The Dragon Clan encompasses draconic Bakugan.

Trading Card Game

General Symbols

  •   B-Power: B-Power is the general way of determining the winner of a Bakugan brawl. Unless other conditions apply, the highest B-Power wins.
  •   Damage: Damage determines how much damage a player takes after losing a brawl.
  •   Energy: Energy determines how much an Ability Card costs to utilize.
  •   Fusion: Fusion Bakugan are a special type of Bakugan introduce in Armored Alliance that have two-sided Character Cards. They start out Unfused, and upon fulfilling specific conditions unique to the Bakugan, they can flip over to the Fused side of the card.
  •   Baku-Gear: Baku-Gear are additional game pieces that were introduced in Armored Alliance. They can be played to boost the stats of Bakugan.

BakuCore Types

Combat Keywords

Tag-Word Abilities

  •   Victor: Activates special effects when the Brawl is won by the Player.
  •   Team Attack (Tag-Word): Activates special effects when a Team Attack is initiated by the Player.

Third Generation Symbols

  •   Heart (Unofficial name): One of the three scoring zone types.
  •   Fire (Unofficial name): One of the three scoring zone types.
  •   Spark (Unofficial name): One of the three scoring zone types.
  • 50px Enemy Territory: Effect is currently unknown.
  •   Reroll: Effect is currently unknown.
  • 50px Crash: Effect is currently unknown.
  •   Draw: Effect is currently unknown.
  •   Versus: Effect is currently unknown.