Drago's On Fire

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Drago's On Fire
Episode Guide
Season Bakugan Battle Brawlers
Episode No. 22
Previous My Good Friend
Next Say It Ain't So Joe

Drago's On Fire is the 22nd episode of Bakugan Battle Brawlers. It aired on October 26, 2007 in English.


The battle involving Dan, Runo, and Marucho vs. Chan Lee, Klaus, and Julio rages on, with neither side giving in. With the temporary return of his partner Preyas, Marucho is battling stronger than ever, but it still might not be enough to win. Klaus, Chan Lee and Julio over power Runo, Marucho and Dan. Runo then has a very effective plan although it is extremely risky, which can cost them the game, and get their Bakugan sent to the Doom Dimension. The Brawlers decide to activate the plan, even though the there is a chance it might fail. In order for the ability to activate, Tigrerra and Preyas sacrifice themselves, focusing all their powers onto Drago. With the ability in effect, Drago rapidly catches up, matching Klaus, Chan Lee, and Julio's G power, however, Chan Lee activates a Final Resort ability exceeding Drago's current power level. The battle has turned on Dan, with only one ability left, he is still unable to catch up to the opposing team's G-power. Just as things look like it is over for the Brawlers, a sudden power surge brings Drago's power level back up again. All are amazed on Drago's new evolution, Pyrus Delta Dragonoid. Dan then wraps the battle up by using Drago's new ability and completely wipes out Sirenoid, Fortress, and Tentaclear. After the battle, Dan convinces Klaus that working for Masquerade is not a good choice. When Chan Lee, Klaus and Julio came to their senses, they snap out of the Naga's mind control. Dan asks if they know the whereabouts about Webmaster Joe and Chan Lee is the only one who is able to give them vague information.

Major events

  • Dan, Marucho, and Runo continue their battle with Chan, Klaus, and Julio.
  • Drago evolves into Delta Dragonoid.
  • The Brawlers win the battle against Masquerade's servants, who then snap out of the mind control.
  • The Brawlers invite Chan, Julio, and Klaus to join them, but they decline.
  • The Brawlers plan to visit Joe in the hospital to see what he knows about Masquerade.

Featured Brawl

Battle at Kenya - Continues

Round 6

  • Dan's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Runo's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Marucho's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Klaus's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Chan Lee's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Julio's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 3/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: None

Runo sets another Gate Card behind Marucho's Gate Card.

Runo throws out Haos Tigrerra onto her newly set Gate Card. (Power: 340 GS).

Julio throws out Haos Centipoid against Tigrerra. (Tigrerra: 340 GS - Centipoid: 350 GS).

Runo activates Pure Light, reviving Preyas and returning him to Marucho. Runo opens her Gate Card (Energy Merge), transferring 100 Gs from Centipoid to Tigrerra. (Tigrerra: 440 Gs - Centipoid: 250 Gs). Centipoid gets wiped out by Tigrerra's slam attack and returns to Julio in ball form. Tigrerra returns to Runo in ball form. Runo's second Gate Card vanishes.

Runo wins this round.

Round 7

  • Dan's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Runo's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Marucho's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Klaus's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Chan Lee's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Julio's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: None

Marucho throws out Aquos Siege onto his Gate Card. (Power: 350 GS).

Chan Lee throws out Pyrus Fourtress against Siege. (Siege: 350 GS - Fourtress: 370 GS).

Marucho opens his Gate Card. (Aquos Normal: + 100 GS). (Siege: 450 Gs - Fourtress: 370 Gs). Chan Lee activates Face of Rage on Fourtress, transferring 50 Gs from Siege to Fourtress. (Siege: 400 Gs - Fourtress: 420 Gs). Siege gets wiped out by Fourtress's flame attack and is sent to the Doom Dimension. Fourtress returns to Chan Lee in ball form. Marucho's first Gate Card vanishes.

Chan Lee wins this round.

Round 8

  • Dan's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Runo's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Marucho's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Klaus's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Chan Lee's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Julio's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: None

Dan throws out Pyrus Griffon onto his Gate Card. (Power: ??? GS).

Klaus sets another Gate Card on the left side of Dan's Gate Card.

Klaus throws out Aquos Sirenoid onto his newly set Gate Card. (Power: 370 GS).

Klaus activates Dive Mirage. Sirenoid swims to Dan's Gate Card, nullifying it. Griffon gets wiped out by Sirenoid's submersion attack and is sent to the Doom Dimension. Dan's first Gate Card vanished.

Klaus wins this round.

Round 9

  • Dan's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Runo's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Marucho's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Klaus's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Chan Lee's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Julio's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: None

Runo sets another Gate Card on the left side of Klaus's Gate Card.

Runo throws out Haos Tigrerra onto her newly set Gate Card. (Power: 340 GS).

Julio sets another Gate Card on the right side of Runo's Gate Card.

Julio throws out Haos Fear Ripper onto his newly set Gate Card. (Power: 330 GS).

Marucho throws out Aquos Preyas against Fear Ripper. (Preyas: 340 GS - Fear Ripper: 330 GS).

Marucho activates Blue Stealth on Preyas, transferring 50 Gs from Fear Ripper to Preyas and preventing the opponent's Gate Card from opening. (Preyas: 390 Gs - Fear Ripper: 280 Gs). Fear Ripper gets wiped out by Preyas's kicking attack and returns to Julio in ball form. Preyas returns to Marucho in ball form. Julio's second Gate Card vanishes.

Marucho wins this round.

Round 10

  • Dan's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Runo's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Marucho's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Klaus's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Chan Lee's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Julio's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: Runo's Tigrerra

Chan Lee sets her final Gate Card on the right side of Runo's Gate Card.

Chan Lee throws out Pyrus Manion onto Klaus's second Gate Card. (Power: 330 GS).

Dan sets another Gate Card behind Klaus's Gate Card.

Dan throws out Pyrus Dragonoid against Manion. (Dragonoid: 400 GS - Manion: 350 GS).

Klaus's Gate Card (Aquos Normal: + ??? GS) opens. (Dragonoid: 400 Gs - Manion: 350 Gs).

Chan Lee activates Amun-Re on Manion, increasing Manion's power level by 100 Gs. (Dragonoid: 400 Gs - Manion: 450 Gs). Dan activates Boosted Dragon on Drago, increasing his power level by 100 Gs for the rest of the game. (Dragonoid: 500 Gs - Manion: 450 Gs). Manion gets wiped out by Drago's fire stream attack and returns to Chan Lee in ball form. Drago returns to Dan in ball form. Klaus's second Gate Card vanishes.

Dan wins this round.

Round 11

  • Dan's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Runo's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Marucho's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Klaus's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 2/3
  • Chan Lee's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Julio's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: Runo's Tigrerra

Klaus sets his final Gate Card on the left side of Runo's Gate Card.

Klaus throws out Aquos Griffon onto his newly set Gate Card. (Power: 330 GS).

Julio throws out Haos Tentaclear onto Chan Lee's final Gate Card. (Power: 370 GS).

Marucho throws out Aquos Preyas against Griffon. (Preyas: 340 GS - Griffon: 330 GS).

Klaus's Gate Card (Mine Ghost) opens, which defeats both Bakugan on it. Marucho activates Dive Mirage, and Preyas swims to Dan's second Gate Card. Griffon gets wiped out by the Gate Card's explosion and is sent to the Doom Dimension. Klaus's final Gate Card vanishes.

Marucho wins this round.

Round 12

  • Dan's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Runo's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Marucho's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Klaus's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Chan Lee's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3
  • Julio's Bakugan Remaining (BR): 1/3

Bakugan remaining on the field: Runo's Tigrerra, Marucho's Preyas

Chan Lee throws out Pyrus Fourtress onto her final Gate Card with Tentaclear. (Combined Power: 740 GS).

Chan Lee opens her Gate Card (Quartet Battle), forcing a Bakugan from each side into the Battle. Pyrus Dragonoid and Aquos Sirenoid are set down. (Sirenoid, Fourtress, and Tentaclear: 1110 Gs - Dragonoid: 500 Gs). Klaus activates Forcing Wind on Sirenoid, increasing her power level by 100 Gs. (Sirenoid, Fourtress, and Tentaclear: 1210 Gs - Dragonoid: 500 Gs). Marucho activates Pyrus, Aquos, and Haos Triple Node, increasing Drago, Preyas, and Tigrerra's power levels by 200 Gs. (Sirenoid, Fourtress, and Tentaclear: 1210 Gs - Dragonoid: 700 Gs). Julio activates Solar Ray on Tentaclear, increasing his power level by 100 Gs. (Sirenoid, Fourtress, and Tentaclear: 1310 Gs - Dragonoid: 700 Gs). Runo activates Cut in Slayer on Tigrerra, transferring all of her and Preyas's power to Drago. Tigrerra and Preyas return to Runo and Marucho in ball form. (Sirenoid, Fourtress, and Tentaclear: 1310 Gs - Dragonoid: 1780 Gs).

Drago evolves into Delta Dragonoid. (Sirenoid, Fourtress, and Tentaclear: 1310 Gs - Delta Dragonoid: 1830 Gs).

Chan Lee activates Pyrus, Aquos, and Haos Triple Node, increasing Fourtress, Sirenoid, and Tentaclear's power levels by 200 Gs. (Sirenoid, Fourtress, and Tentaclear: 1910 Gs - Delta Dragonoid: 1830 Gs). Dan activates D-Strike Attack on Drago, increasing his power level by 200 Gs for the rest of ths game. (Sirenoid, Fourtress, and Tentaclear: 1910 Gs - Delta Dragonoid: 2030 Gs). Sirenoid, Fourtress, and Tentaclear get wiped out by Drago's fireball attack. Reality returns to normal as the Bakugan field collapses.


  • Dan's BR: 1/3 ~ Runo's BR: 0/3 ~ Marucho's BR: 0/3 ~ Klaus's BR: 0/3 ~ Chan Lee's BR: 0/3 ~ Julio's BR: 0/3

Winning team is Dan, Runo, and Marucho.

Bakugan Debuts

Bakugan Seen
