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{{Neutral Tabs}}[[File:O0256029510982268163.jpg|frame|Savac is in the top right corner.]]'''Savac''' ['''サヴアク''' (''Savaku'')] is the evil deity released by [[Dio Sivac]] in [[BakuTech! Bakugan]].
===BakuTech! Bakugan===
===[[BakuTech! Bakugan (Anime)]]===In the [[Zakuro Invades|sixteenth episode]], Zakuro uses Savac to strike fear and enter the hearts of both [[Harubaru Hinode|Harubaru]] and [[Raichi Kuronashi|Raichi]]. Later on, Savac is seen standing in the right direction after [[Koh Grif|Koh Grif's]] [[Kilan Leoness]] was overpowered and knocked out of the Gate Card. Zakuro also used Savac during his brawl against Harubaru to curse the latter's [[Rise Dragaon]].
==Physical Game==Savac is the small die cast projectile piece that came with BTC-13 [[Dio Sivac]]. It's commonly seen in silver although a Gold and Copper Version was released as Limited Editions to an event or campaign.
It has a 200 Gs Power Boost printed on its back. In the official BakuTech game Rules, if you rolled Dio Sivac and Savac stands right-side-up, you may add that 200 Gs Power Boost to Dio Sivac.
Savac is from the Japanese adverb meaning "To Judge" {{nihongo|裁く|''sabaku''}}.[[Category:BakuTech Characters]]
[[Category:Secondary Characters]]