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Rooney Magical

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'''Rooney Magical''' is a Japanese [[Green]] [[Ability Card]].
==Featured With==*[[Haos]] [[Mega Brontes]] in Bakugan form
<!-- Looney · Magical expansion card pack 1st bullet Recorded light attribute Bronte only abilities card. Volt was activated in animation. · Invalidate effect of gate card · Invalid effect of opponent's ability card · Bronze of your light attribute gets +200. There are three effects, only ability can be evaluated such as abilities become invalid. Although it was a card that was difficult to obtain with expansion card pack 1, it seems that Rooney Magical with a barcode is included in the second bulletin of Bakugan Arcade Butlers that is currently in operation. (I think that Bronte is hard to stand, so I'm shooting with a catapult shot.) Needle's eye expansion card pack 2 second record Copper · Gate Card · In this battle, the low power level Bakugan will beat. (Ability card can not be activated) A powerful gate card with low power Bakugan win. The type of Bakugan equipped with cross evolution battle and explosive tech cloth has a power level of at least 500, so when the bakugan is in hand at the opponent it is a battle of the dark attribute Persicival exclusive abilities card · I want to aim for a combo with marionette. -->[[Category:Bakugan (game)]][[Category:Ability Cards]][[Category:Bakugan: New Vestroia]]