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{{Infobox character
|color = Blue
|guardian = [[Flash Ingram]]<br />[[Spidaro]] (Former)<br />[[Ziperator]] (Former)
|race = Humans}}
'''The Bash Brothers''' was a team in [[Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge]]. The blonde Bash Brother is named Jerryl, while the brown-haired Brother is named Callum.
===[[Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge]]===
Their first appearance is in episode 7, where they challenged [[Anubias]] but were both defeated easily by [[Horridian]] and his [[BakuNano]] [[Aeroblaze]]. [[Mag Mel]] is watching them and decides to make them a part of his army and gives them two [[Flash Ingram]]s. Later, [[Shun]] and [[Marucho]] watch them destroy an unknown team with their new BakuNano mercilessly.
Later, they both battle Marucho and [[Trister|Trister,]] , and they were defeating them. However, Shun intervenes and they battle him. At first, they are winning due to their BakuNano but are ultimately defeated by Shun.