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Cosmic Ingram

8 bytes added, 21:56, 3 July 2019
Physical Game
==Physical Game==
It was originally released in the [[BakuNeon]] set. It was re-released as a [[Baku-Legacy]] [[Bakugan]] in the first [[Gundalian Invaders]] set. The Baku-Legacy version in the BakuTriad has 700 [[Gs]] ([[Ventus]] and [[Pyrus]]). In the Six pack, [[Aquos]] Cosmic Ingram is 540 Gs and rarely 660 Gs. Ventus Cosmic Ingram has 560 Gs, 660 Gs, 670 Gs, 550 Gs, or 490 Gs. A [[BakuBronze]] [[Darkus]] Cosmic Ingram can have 630 Gs.
In Japan, the Pyrus version in BST-11 comes with 500 Gs and 540 Gs. The Ventus version in BCV-06 comes with 260 Gs and 480 Gs.