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List of Bakugan: Armored Alliance Waves

76 bytes added, 21:28, 11 August 2020
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{{Armored Alliance Unbox & Brawl Pack 1}}
==Set 3: Shields of Vestroia==[[Shields of Vestroia]], or SV, is the sixth card set of the Bakugan reboot and the third card set of the second season Bakugan: [[Armored Elite]].   === Wave 5 (Fusion Force Wave 3Shields of Vestroia Set 1) ===
====Core Bakugan Single Packs====
{{Armored Alliance Core Mix 5}}
==Set 3: Shields of Vestroia==Bakugan Ultra Single Packs====[[Shields of Vestroia]], or SV, is the sixth card set of the Bakugan reboot and the third card set of the second season Bakugan: [[{{Armored Elite]]. Alliance Ultra Mix 5}}
====Baku-Gear Packs====