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Diamond Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Shields of Vestroia)

275 bytes added, 05:14, 26 April 2021
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|evolved from = [[Haos Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra (Fusion Force)|Haos Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra]]
|effect = {{FlamingFistIcon}}: +700{{Power}}
(While this bakugan has a {{FlamingFist}} BakuCore attached to it, it gets +700{{Power}})
|set = Shields of Vestroia
|serial = 138_[[RA]]_[[SV]]
*[[Haos (Reboot)|Haos]] [[Aurelus]] [[Diamond]] [[Pegatrix x Goreene|Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra]] in Bakugan form
*For the purposes of deck building, this card does not count as Aurelus, and only requires [[Haos Pegatrix & Goreene Ultra (Fusion Force)|Haos Pegatrix & GoreeneUltra]] to be put in a deck.==Rulings==*The window showing what Bakugan Diamond Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra evolves from displays card art corresponding to the cancelled Haos Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Core. For the purposes of the TCG, this card has been specified to evolve from the Haos Aurelus Pegatrix x Goreene Ultra Character Card from Fusion Force, despite the art being different.