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A Special Training on Gachi-Baku!

1 byte removed, 13:22, 3 March 2022
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The Next was Raichi with his entire deck comprising of Hollow Munikis, Mika Laurel and Sha Nozchi. Raichi was also able to knock out all enemy Bakugan but he took a different approach with curved angle shots. The Grif brothers both compliment Raichi's prowess.
After Raichi, the Shadow Sanjushi take their turn at the same time. Karashina has the same deck as Raichi but his Guardian Partner Bakugan is different. Instead, he has Borg Mahisas. Tohga's deck comprises his Acro Gezard, Gavli Anacon and Zak Jaguard while Jinza's deck consists of his Well Galow, Blan Shoult and Gigan Taures W Armor. The Shadow Sanjushi all launched their Bakugan and at the end of their exhibition of skill, all their Bakugan perfectly aligned back.
The next trial was called Bakugan Clash Goal Attack Sabotage (Gachi Baku Kougeki Gooru Bougyou) in a Rectangular Battlefield.  The players must stand their Bakugan as quick as they can and prevent the enemy Bakugan from either clashing with the Player Bakugan or knocking out the standing Player Bakugan. Sho was the first to take this trial and his Tri Falco was able to defend against the clashing Dagger Odos. 