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King Harou

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Harubaru and Raichi cried in excitement as they greeted their big brother figure whom they had not seen for a very long time. Tatsuma is still wondering about the relationship between the three so Harubaru and Raichi related their experiences to him.
A flashback retells the story on how Harubaru and Raichi first met Harou by the playground. It was three years ago when the two little boys had just discovered Bakugan and are very curious. Harou relates to them that Bakugan Battles are just like Sports games that involves Power, Technique and Strategy while showing his Guardian Partner Bakugan, G-Ganorada. Harou then shoots his G-Ganorada into the Gate Card which is set at a log in a considerable distance. The two little boys were amazed as G-Ganorada stood, asking Harou to teach them more about Bakugan.
Returning to the present time, Raichi and Harubaru relates that Harou told them to continue their training in the Bakugan Dojo which is why they became Master Shimo's students. Harou, wanting to know how strong Harubaru had went, decided to challenge Harubaru to a one-on-one brawl.