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Fire Wall

8 bytes removed, 08:00, 12 August 2022
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|attribute = Pyrus
|first seen first_seen = [[Masquerade Ball]]
'''Fire Wall''' is [[Pyrus#Legacy|Pyrus]] Red Ability Card.
== Description ==
The Ability Card is thrown at user, which creates a wall of flames around him. This wall can be used offensively.
== Known Uses ==Dan uses this ability to buff Dragonoid for the last portion of the brawl. However, at first Drago rejects the ability, claiming that it will not have any effect against a Ventus Bakugan. After trying to reason with Shuji's [[Ventus#RebootLegacy|Ventus]] [[Falconeer]] to no avail, Drago collapses the wall of flame on top of himself and Falconeer, winning the brawl. <ref>''[[Masquerade Ball]]''</ref>
== Gallery ==
Fire Wall 1.jpg
== References ==