no edit summary
[[Fusion Force]] is missing the following cards
*154 (Aquos? Fusion?/Aurelus Fangzor x Mantonoid Core)*213 ??? (ventus, epic card, or something else) (probably unreleased/unknown)*214 ??? (ventus, epic card, or something else) (probably unreleased/unknown)
==[[Shields of Vestroia Cards]]==
Card #'s past 226 are probably [[Epic Character Card]]s, which can only be found in the TCG Packs
*128 [[Tail Shears]]
*151 ???
*161 ???
*164 ???
*172 ??? (darkus/aurelus or haos/pyrus fusion?)
*173 ??? (darkus/aurelus or haos/pyrus fusion?)
*180 ???
*181 ???
*187 ???
*191 ???
*192 ???
*194 ???
*204 ??? ventus?
*205 ???
*208 ???
*211 ???
*227 ??? (needs an article made, we have the card pic)
*230 ???
*234 ??? Haos Trox & Nobilious Ultra (needs an article madeNEEDS AN ARTICLE, we have the card picthough)
*235 ???
*237 ???
*255 Pyrus Eenoch Ultra Epic Character (don't have pics, we have stats though)
*256 ???
==[[Secrets of the Geogan]]==
Some overlapping numbers here, out of position (aquos, aurelus, aquos?). Definitely some unreleased stuff too.
*1 [[Aquos Blade(EV2)]] no article or pic*2 [[Aquos Clutch(EV2)]] no article or pic*3 [[Aquos Echo(EV2)]] no article or pic*4 [[Aquos Fury(EV2)]] no article or pic*5 [[Aquos Shadow(EV2)]] no article or pic*6 [[Aquos Siphon(EV2)]] no article or pic*7 [[Aquos Sledge(EV2)]] no card pic, page is complete*10 [[Aurelus Clutch(EV2)]] no article or pic*11 [[Aurelus Fury(EV2)]] no article or pic*12 [[Aurelus Riptide(EV2)]] no article or pic*13 [[Aurelus Shadow(EV2)]] WE HAVE THE PIC, need to make the article*14 [[Aurelus Siphon(EV2)]] Article complete but no pic*15 [[Aurelus Sledge(EV2)]] no article or pic*17 [[Darkus Clutch(EV2)]] no article or pic*18 [[Darkus Echo(EV2)]] Article complete but no pic*19 [[Darkus Lancer(EV2)]] no article or pic*20 [[Darkus Riptide(EV2)]] WE HAVE THE PIC, need to make the article*21 [[Darkus Shadow(EV2)]] no article or pic*22 [[Haos Aura(EV2)]] no article or pic*23 [[Haos Clutch(EV2)]] no article or pic*25 [[Haos Lancer(EV2)]] Article complete but no pic*26 [[Pyrus Blade(EV2)]] Article complete but no pic*28 [[Pyrus Echo(EV2)]] no article or pic*29 [[Pyrus Shadow(EV2)]] Article complete but no pic*30 [[Pyrus Siphon(EV2)]] WE HAVE THE PIC, need to make the article*31 [[Ventus Aura(EV2)]] no article or pic*32 [[Ventus Blade(EV2)]] no article or pic*34 [[Ventus Echo(EV2)]] no article or pic
*37 ???
*39 ???
*41 ???
*43 ???[[Aurelus Ghost Beast (EV2)]] no article or pic*44 ???[[Aurelus Insectra (EV2)]] no article or pic*45 ???[[Darkus Amphrog (EV2)]] no article or pic*46 ???[[Haos Babadrill (EV2)]] no article or pic*47 ???[[Haos Ghost Beast (EV2)]] no article or pic
*49 [[Diamond Platinum Neo Hydorous (EV2)]] just need the pic
*51 ???[[Diamond Platinum Neo Pharol (EV2)]] no article or pic
*52 ???
*54 ???
*133 [[Haos Ultra Eenoch (EV2)]] need article and pic
*134 [[Haos Ultra Gillator (EV2)]] need pic
*135 ??? haos?[[Haos Howlkor (EV2)]] no article or pic
*137 (?) [[Haos Warrior Whale (EV2)]] need pic. Repeated number?
*138 ???
*144 ???
*146 [[Haos Nillious (EV2)]] need pic
*147 ???[[Haos Pharol (EV2)]] no article or pic
*149 ???
*150 ???
*151 [[Haos Platinum Neo Pharol (EV2)]] need article and pic
*154 ???[[Haos Trox (EV2)]] no article or pic
*156 ???
*157 ???
*193 [[Ventus Neo Wrath (EV2)]] need pic
*194 ???