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{{Command Card
|name = Double BattleReversal|image = [[File:BA019a_BBA013a_B.png|300px]]|effect = Both players shoot another Bakugan. Stand and combine In this battle, lowest G Power of both Bakugans. Miss and return second Bakugan to arsenalpower score wins.Le deux joueurs tirent sur un autre Bakugan. Si vous restez deboutDans cette bataille, combinez les le plus petit total de points des deux Bakugan. Si vous ratez, remettez le second Bakugan dans l'arsenalest vainqueur.|hsp = 200250|Power_P = 300100|Power_A = 2500|Power_H = 150300|Power_D = -100200|Power_S = -50250|Power_V = 50-100|card series = [[BAa-B|BA019aBA013a-CO-SM-B]]
==Featured With==
*[[PyrusAquos]] [[RobotallionSerpenoid]]*[[HaosDarkus]] [[FalconeerJuggernoid]]