CollaborationKit icon directory
These are the pre-packaged icons that can be used on Collaboration Hubs. Each icon name in the table corresponds to the keyword used in the Collaboration Hub editing interface to select the icon.
Icon | Icon name |
book | |
circlestar | |
clock | |
community | |
contents | |
die | |
edit | |
eye | |
flag | |
funnel | |
gear | |
heart | |
journal | |
key | |
link | |
map | |
menu | |
newspaper | |
ol | |
page | |
paperclip | |
puzzlepiece | |
ribbon | |
rocket | |
star | |
sun | |
ul | |
addimage | |
addmapmarker | |
addquote | |
bell | |
circleline | |
circletriangle | |
circlex | |
discussion | |
download | |
editprotected | |
gallery | |
image | |
lock | |
mapmarker | |
message | |
messagenew | |
messagescary | |
move | |
nowiki | |
pagechecked | |
pageribbon | |
pagesearch | |
quotes | |
search | |
starmenu | |
translate | |
trash | |
user |