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Battles begin when 2 Bakugan from different players land on the same Gate Card. Before the Gate Card is flipped over, players check whether certain Ability Cards can be played. Then, the Gate Card is flipped over, and the card text is read. Then, look at each of the Bakugan’s printed G-Powers and add the Gate Attribute bonus that matches your Bakugan’s attribute to your Bakugan. After that, players can play Ability Cards, Support Pieces and BakuNano from your Unused Pile, starting with the person who created the battle. The Bakugan with the highest G-Power by the end wins the battle. In the event of a tie, the Bakugan who stood on the Gate Card first wins. Gate Cards won in battle go to your the winner's Used pileand all Bakugan and Support Pieces go to their owner's Used Piles after Battle.
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