The season follows the adventures of [[Dan Kouzo]] and his best friends, the first kids on Earth to bond with the mysterious alien creatures known as the Bakugan. The storyline will revolve around friendship, battling, and competition. The series is available to stream on [https://www.netflix.com/title/81174992 U.S and Canada Netflix]. The series is also available to be watched for Canadians on [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLiih4uqcEp-2pmx6rrMxueuxcQO9yde_P YouTube].
The animated series is premiered in North America in December 2018 and begun airing in January 2019. The toy line was released in the January 2019 in North America and other select regions, with a worldwide release to follow in the second quarter of 2019. Online content has been released on the official Bakugan YouTube channel.<ref name="PR">[https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/spin-master-announces-the-global-relaunch-of-bakugan-in-partnership-with-cartoon-network-tms-entertainment-and-nelvana-limited-300727781.html "Spin Master Announces the Global Relaunch of "BAKUGAN" In Partnership with Cartoon Network, TMS Entertainment and Nelvana Limited"]</ref> A [[Bakugan Battle Planet Season 2|second season]] will air in the future.<ref name="SM Q2 2018">[https://www.spinmaster.com/download/SpinMasterCorpSecondQuarter2018FinancialResultsConferenceCallAugust22018.pdf Spin Master Corp. Second Quarter 2018 Financial Results Conference Call]</ref>