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Geogan Card

1,258 bytes added, 07:49, 29 December 2020
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[[File:Arcleon (Pyrus Darkus Card) ENG 195 CC 179 RA SG.png|200px|thumb|[[Pyrus Darkus Arcleon (SGSecrets of the Geogan)|Pyrus Darkus Arcleon]], an example of a Geogan Card]]A '''Geogan Card''' is a type of [[Ability Card (Reboot)|Ability Card]] in the ''[[Bakugan Battle Planet]]'' trading card game. These cards come with and depict [[Geogan]]. It There are three variants of Geogan Cards: standard, Mega, and Diamond. One Geogan can have a card of each variant. ==Gameplay==To run a Geogan, the [[Faction]] of the Geogan you wish to run must match the Faction of at least one of the three Bakugan on your team. The Geogan serves as an accessory to your team, it does not replace any of the Bakugan on your team. The physical Geogan toy is unknown how these required to play. [[Geogan Card]]s are specialized cards function in that come with Geogan. Each Geogan must use its specific Geogan Card (for example, a Pyrus [[Arcleon]] must used the [[Pyrus Arcleon (Secrets of the Geogan)|Pyrus Arcleon Geogan Card]], or one of its special varients). In addition, there are three type of Geogan Cards: the normal Geogan Card, a Diamond Geogan Card, and a Mega Geogan Card. To play a Geogan, you must be able to pay its Geogan Card Energy requirement, as well as be able to [[Reroll]] your Bakugan. You then retract your Bakugan and drop the physical Geogan toy one card length onto the [[Hide Matrix]], or gamefield. It then follows the same rules as a normal Bakugan roll: it acquires any [[BakuCore (Reboot)|BakuCores]] it picks up and any subsequent bonuses. Since Geogan are a subtype of Bakugan, that are Reroll-able, even though they technically do not roll.