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Haavik's Final Show

2 bytes added, 10:36, 11 June 2021
Haavik gives Sabra all his power, which increases Sabra`s size and power, making it bigger and taller than Infinity Dragonoid, and then proceeds to attack Infinity Dragonoid.
Meanwhile, a battle between Tiko and Garillion ensues. Garillion Wants to separate Vestroia from earth to save the Bakugan from HavvikHaavik, however, Tiko knows if this happens, Drago and the other Bakugan fighting Haavik will lose their connection to the great core cell. Garillion is willing to let this happen and stuns Tiko to the ground.
Infinity Dragonoid, exhausted from the beating, is beginning to lose. Fortunately, hope arrives as the Awsome brawlers Awesome brawler's Bakugan arrive to help, as they start to merge with Dragonoid. Dragonoid`s size and power also increase with every Bakugan fused with him.
==Characters Seen==