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No Outcome
| [[Chaos Bakugan]] Army (Tag with Shun, Raife, Paige, Ben, Jack, [[NoahTeam Anubias]], [[ChrisTeam Sellon]], Shun, Rafe, and [[Soon]]Page) || [[Behind the Mask|23]] || Win
| Chaos Bakugan Army (Tag with the [[Battle Brawlers]], Ben, Jack, Noah, ChrisTeam Anubias, and SoonTeam Sellon)|| [[Interspace Armageddon|24]] || Win
|[[Razen Titan]] Army (Tag with Shunthe [[Battle Brawlers]], Paige, Rafe, Spectra, Marucho, Gus, Ben, Jack, Noah, ChrisTeam Anubias, and SoonTeam Sellon) || [[Dark Moon|25]]-[[The Final Takedown|26]] || Win