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A Special Training on Gachi-Baku!

1 byte removed, 13:21, 3 March 2022
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Raichi relates to everyone how Masters Grizz and Odore was right in warning them about the evils that lurk within the Tavanel Cup and on how the fate of the world now rests in their hands. Quilt appears from above the temple with Mister Up and Down; affirming what Raichi just said. He urges everyone to train immediately as there is no more time to lose.
Back inside, Mister Up and Down officiates the Special Training session on Gachi Baku. During the 10-second countdown, everyone was able to close their respective Guardian Partner Bakugan without problems except for Tatsuma whose still having troubles on his Gif Jinryu's complicated mechanisms. At the end of the countdown, Tatsuma just sulked that he can't do it so everyone yelled at him that he is a slowpoke. 
The first trial of the Special Training is to be done in a Circular Battlefield. Harubaru goes first. His entire deck, comprising of Rise Dragaon, Nata Nagina and Gus Burnan is all laid in the table. A digitalized counter does the countdown and the launching of the enemy Darkus Bakugan. Harubaru, using straight shots, was able to knock out all the approaching enemy Bakugan with ease.