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Bakugan Wiki:Bakugan Rules and Information

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Refer to the following frequently asked questions to find answers to general issues gameplay issues. As always, refer to the Bakugan Official Rules to anything not covered in this FAQ.
To search for a specific rule, try using your browsers ‘Find’ ‘Find' function. Press Ctrl+F then type what you are looking for, such as ‘Clear Bakugan’Bakugan'.
The “start of a battle” is when two opposing Bakugan stand on a Gate Card. The Card is flipped over THEN brawlers can use their Ability cards.
* My ball didn’t didn't open up on the card, does it count as standing?
Yes. This is a reversal from an earlier ruling for those who keep track of such things. The reversal was required due to a couple of Bakugan that take up a lot of space on cards, sometimes stopping any other Bakugan from opening up on the same card. Any time a ball stops moving and is on a Gate card, it counts as standing/open.
* Can you play with two Bakugan that are the same?
Sure. You’ll You'll still need to have three to play the game. It is okay if two of them are the same or if your opponent has one just like yours.
* Who wins in a tie?
* Can you use Bakugan of different attributes in a game?
Absolutely! Some strategies actually depend on using different attributes. Some players prefer to specialize in just one attribute, but there is no reason why you can’t can't play with a variety of them.
* Can you play Bakugan with more than two players?
Bakugan Battle Gear are played during a battle (from your unused pile). Place your Battle Gear on the back of your Bakugan to open it. It may also be opened on a Gate Card next to your Bakugan. Add the G-Power revealed on the inside of the Battle Gear to your battling Bakugan.
If your Bakugan’s Bakugan's attribute matches either of the attributes listed on your Battle Gear reference card, then you get that ability as well; Or, if your Battle Gear matches the color of the Gate Card being battled on (Gold, Silver, or Copper attribute) you may choose any one ability on the Battle Gear reference card to use in this battle.
Battle Gear move like regular Bakugan. At the end of a battle, they move to your used pile. When you have no Bakugan to roll, all of your Bakugan, Bakugan Trap, and Battle Gear move to your unused pile.
* What are the Battle Gear Attributes?
Battle Gear come in one of three Attributes: Gold, Silver, or Copper. To determine a Battle Gear’s Gear's attribute you will see that each Battle Gear is marked with either Gold, Silver, or Copper highlights. You can also identify the Battle Gear’s Gear's attribute by looking at the icon printed on the gear as well (see below).
Gold Attribute
* Can I use Battle Gear with Bakugan from any series and type?
Yes! Battle Gear can be used in gameplay with any Bakugan from series 1, series 2 (New Vestroia), and series 3 (Gundalian Invaders). While Bakugan Battle Gear will only physically attach to specific Gundalian Invader Bakugan from Series 3, that doesn’t doesn't mean you can’t can't ( or shouldn’tshouldn't) use it with a series 1 or series 2 Bakugan. When using a Battle Gear with a Bakugan that does not specifically attach to its back, simply open the Battle Gear on the Gate Card in battle and process it as you normally would, as stated below.
* Can I use all my available Battle Gear and/or Trap on a single Gate Card (or in a single standing Bakugan)?
* What is a Battle Gear Reference Card?
A Battle Gear Reference Card is a special card that comes with every Battle Gear piece. These cards aren’t aren't put in your used or unused pile. They are kept nearby so you can see any special rules it may have for the specific Battle Gear.
* Do I need to have a Battle Gear Reference Card for my Battle Gear at all times?
* How do I use a Special Evolution Bakugan in battle?
At the beginning of a battle, Special Evolution Bakugan don’t don't start off in a player’s player's used or unused pile. They may come from their overall collection not currently being played in battle. To get a Special Evolution Bakugan into the game, you must meet two conditions (found on the Special Evolution Reference Card.) First, the Power Level of the game must be at least equal to the Power Level on the card. Second, you must have a Bakugan in your used or unused pile from which your Bakugan evolves (also shown on the reference card.) If you meet both conditions, you may skip your turn and swap the Special Evolution Bakugan for the one that it evolves from.
NOTE: Each Special Evolution Bakugan comes with a reference card. These cards aren’t aren't put in your used or unused pile. They are kept nearby so you can see any special rules it might have.
* Does my Special Evolution Bakugan have to be a part of the 3 Bakugan needed to play a regular battle?
* What is a Special Evolution Bakugan Reference Card?
Each Special Evolution Bakugan comes with a reference card. These cards aren’t aren't put in your used or unused pile. They are kept nearby so you can see any special rules it might have. These cards direct the brawler what is needed to bring the Special Evolution Bakugan into battle and any other additional abilities it has.
* Is there a limit to how many Bakugan I can evolve in a match to a Special Evolution Bakugan?
* How do you play a Bakugan Trap?
You may play one of your Trap during a battle as long as the Trap and Bakugan have the same attribute. For example, if you are using a Pyrus Bakugan in that battle you need to use a Pyrus Trap. To play your Trap during a battle, take it from your unused pile and drop it onto the Gate Card engaged in battle. When it opens up you will see one or more attribute symbols revealed inside it. You will now change the attribute of your Bakugan to any one of the attributes printed inside your Trap. Some Bakugan Trap have one hidden attribute symbol. Some have two hidden attribute symbols or more. Only when you’ve you've run out of Bakugan in your unused pile and are about to roll should you move your Trap back to your unused pile. Also included with your Bakugan Trap are their very own ability cards. When you combine the affects of the Trap with the affects of their Ability Cards the power can be devastating.
* How come some Traps have a repeated attribute? Does it do anything special?
* What is a Special Treatment Bakugan?
A Special Treatment Bakugan is any Bakugan that doesn’t doesn't look like a normal Bakugan OR it is any Bakugan that has a special feature. So, that would include Bakugan like; Pearl, Translucent, Dual Attribute, Heavy Metal, Clear and anything sold in the “Special Attack” packages.
* When do you pick the attribute of an attribute changing Bakugan (Clear, Dual, and Translucent)?
* How do I use a Clear Bakugan?
At the beginning of a battle, Clear Bakugan take on the attribute of your opponent’s opponent's Bakugan. If both players have a clear Bakugan they both get to pick which attribute they want for that battle.
* How do I use a Clear Bakugan when battling a Dual Attribute Bakugan?
The Clear Bakugan will take on the attribute that is decided when your opponent pick’s pick's the attribute for their Dual Attribute Bakugan.
* How do I use a Clear Bakugan against a Translucent Bakugan?
* How do I use a Translucent Bakugan against a Clear Bakugan?
Since a Translucent Bakugan can’t can't take on the attribute of an attribute-less Bakugan, you must use the attribute that the Translucent Bakugan is.
* How do I use a Translucent Bakugan against a Dual Bakugan?
After your opponent determines the attribute of their Dual Bakugan, you may choose which attribute to use: your original attribute or your opponent’s opponent's determined attribute.
Dual Attribute Bakugan
* How do I use a BakuCrystal Bakugan?
At the start of a battle, this Bakugan changes its attribute to its opponent’s opponent's attribute. If both brawlers have a BakuCrystal Bakugan in play, then both players get to pick which attribute their Bakugan will be. A BakuCrystal Bakugan functions the same as a Clear Bakugan. For more information, refer to the Clear Bakugan ruling above it is the same for both Bakugan variants.
BakuLyte Bakugan
* How do I use a BakuMutation Bakugan?
At the start of a battle, the owner of the BakuMutation Bakugan may choose to change the Bakugan’s Bakugan's attribute to that of its opponent ONLY IF the opposing Bakugan is a Special Treatment Bakugan.
BakuNeon Bakugan
» General Card Questions «
* A Gate Card refers to Bakugan of different ‘color’‘color'. What does this mean?Basically, ‘color’ ‘color' means ‘attribute’‘attribute'. Please treat the special instructions that refer to ‘color’ ‘color' as meaning ‘attribute’‘attribute'.
* A Gate Card refers to Bakugan of different ‘type’‘type'. What does this mean?Basically, ‘type’ ‘type' means the different breed of the Bakugan, such as a Preyas, Drago, Skyress, Terrorclaw, etc.
* Can I play with both Series 1, Series 2, and Series 3 cards?
Sure. As long as you and your opponent both agree, feel free to use a mix of all the cards. A few of the Series 1 Gate cards will be over-powered if you play this way, but they will still work. If you decide to go this route, try to ignore HSP and stick with the Series 2 and Series 3 victory condition of winning three Gate cards. Over time, you’ll you'll likely stop using Series 1 and 2 cards as the game moves forward and more brawlers play with Series 3 rules. Series 1 and Series 2 Bakugan will work well in either set of rules.
* Can I play with all of my Gate and Ability cards?
* I have a card that says something about all Bakugan “with special treatments”, what are those?
A special treatment Bakugan is any that doesn’t doesn't look “normal.” This would include any clear, translucent, pearly, heavy metal, reverse attribute, dual attribute, etc. Basically, if the attribute is made of normal colored plastic then it is a normal treatment Bakugan. The attribute switching Preyas is not a special treatment as it is made out of the correct color of plastic, but the clear version is in fact a special treatment Bakugan.
* How can I tell the difference between an Ability card and a Gate card?
Gate cards have metal in the middle of them and come in three primary colors: Gold, Silver, and Copper. They don’t don't bend and are much heavier. Ability cards bend and feel like a normal playing card and come in three different primary colors: Red, Blue, and Green.
* How do you know what color your Gate and Ability cards are?
A card’s card's color is decided by the “frame color.” This is the color that is behind the card’s card's name. The colors of Gate Cards are Gold, Silver and Copper. The colors of Ability Cards are Red, Blue and Green.
* I have a card that refers to a Bronze card and another card that refers to a Copper card. Is Copper the same as Bronze?
Yes. When the game refers to Copper or Bronze it is referring to the same color of the Gate Card, the Copper Gate Card. During the production phase of cards, the designers may use the color term Copper or Bronze to specify the same card.
* If a card refers to the ‘lowest printed G-Power’ Power' does altering the G-Power of a Bakugan modify this rule?No, if a card directs you to use the ‘lowest printed G-Power’ Power' always refer to the printed G-Power, regardless of its modification from Ability cards.
* What is a Battle Gear Reference Card?
A Battle Gear Reference Card is a special card that comes with every Battle Gear piece. These cards aren’t aren't put in your used or unused pile. They are kept nearby so you can see any special rules it may have for the specific Battle Gear.
* Do I need to have a Battle Gear Reference Card for my Battle Gear at all times?
* What is a Special Evolution Bakugan Reference Card?
Each Special Evolution Bakugan comes with a reference card. These cards aren’t aren't put in your used or unused pile. They are kept nearby so you can see any special rules it might have. These cards direct the brawler what is needed to bring the Special Evolution Bakugan into battle and any other additional abilities it has.
» Power Level Questions «
* How do I use a card that requires a certain Power Level before being used?
Remember, the Power Level for the match is the total amount of Gate cards in the used piles between both players (added together). If you see a Power Level indicator on an Ability Card, it means that you can’t can't play that card until the Power Level of the match is at least equal to the Power Level listed on the card.
» Gate Card Questions «
* The Rainbow Gate Card is confusing. How do I use it?
Each Bakugan gets a G-Power bonus for each different attribute that the owner is using in the game. Basically, the word ‘color’ ‘color' means ‘attribute’‘attribute'. The Season 1 Rainbow Gate Card can be quite confusing with its wording. The Season 2 version has been modified to help brawlers understand how to use it.
* What is the highlight around one of the attribute bonuses on the Gate card for?
The highlighted (or glowing) attribute is used for White Naga and Pearl Bakugan. White Naga uses the highlighted G-Power Gate bonus to determine its Attribute. Pearl Bakugan can either take on their regular G-Power bonus on a Gate Card OR the highlighted Gate bonus… whichever one you decide!
* When I win a battle, do I get to keep my opponent’s opponent's Gate Card and/or Bakugan forever?
Definitely not! The gate cards are used to keep track of who is winning (first player to win 3 battles wins the game), but after the game, all game pieces are given back to their owners.
* Does a player need to “activate” a Gate card?
No. Gate cards are turned over and used when a battle occurs. A battle happens any time two Bakugan from different players open on the same card. That said, the Gate’s Gate's attribute bonus is only granted at the end of a battle after all the players have used all the Ability cards that they want.
* If my opponent has a Gate card that says his Bakugan gets the gate bonus an extra time, does that mean that I don’t don't get a bonus at all?
No. You get your bonus as normal. Your opponent gets their normal bonus and then gets their normal bonus a second time.
Once. Then they go to your “Used Pile.” There are some clever ways to get a card back from your used pile to use again, but generally, just one use of an ability card per game is allowed.
* When I play the Doom card do I get to keep my opponent’s opponent's Bakugan for good?No. The Doom card just takes your opponent’s opponent's Bakugan out of the game, not into your pocket!
* Do Ability cards that offer bonus based on Gate card G-Power bonuses stack?
* How do I use the attribute switching Preyas?
Use it as normal. Each time it opens up, it will change to a new attribute. The player doesn’t doesn't get to change it by hand during the game by spinning it – it will change all by itself. Whatever attribute symbol is shown when it opens is the one it is for that battle.
* How many different Bakugan are there?
* What is a “type of Bakugan?”
“Types” of Bakugan refers to the shape of the Bakugan. So, a Pyrus Dragonoid’s Dragonoid's attribute is Pyrus, and it’s it's type is Dragonoid.
* Where do you find a Bakugan’s Bakugan's G-Power?A Bakugan’s Bakugan's G-power can’t can't be seen until the Bakugan opens. When you first open a Bakugan package, there will be a small rectangular sticker that covers up the Bakugan’s Bakugan's G-Power. Remove the sticker to see what the Bakugan’s Bakugan's G-Power is.
BakuCore Bakugan
* What are Light Up Bakugan (such as Moonlit Monarus)? What do they do in battle?
Light Up Bakugan, such as the Moonlit Monarus, have a special LED light in them that flash when called to battle. Although, this Bakugan puts on quite the spectacle, they don’t don't do anything extraordinary in battle. They are played the same as a regular Bakugan. However, they are considered a Special Attack and can take advantage of any Gate or Ability card that calls out any “special treatment/attack” Bakugan.
» 7in1 Maxus Dragonoid Questions «
* How do I construct the 7in1 Maxus Dragonoid?
There are two resources to learn how to construct the 7in1 Maxus Dragonoid. First, you can watch the ‘How to Assemble Maxus Dragonoid’ Dragonoid' Video Tutorials here. Second, you can refer to the downloadable PDF instructions in the Gameplay section, or click here. These can also be accessed at the Gameplay Section here.
* I have a ‘Maxus Dragonoid’ Dragonoid' Ability Card. How do I use it in battle?This card allows you to give your battling Bakugan a +50 G-Power bonus if you have any Bakugan Trap that make up the Maxus Dragonoid in battle, as long as this card is in your Used Pile. So, if you are in battle with a Pyrus Ingram and use a Pyrus Grakas Hound as a Trap you get an additional +50 G-Power just for having the Ability Card in your Used Pile. The ‘Maxus Dragonoid’ Dragonoid' Ability Card does not allow you to use a fully assembled Maxus Dragonoid in battle.
Unfortunately, the fully assembled Maxus Helios cannot be used in battle. However, the individual pieces can be used as normal in a typical Bakugan battle.
* I have a ‘Maxus Helios’ Helios' Ability Card. How do I use it in battle?This card allows you to reroll any Bakugan that make up the Maxus Helios that you are using in battle up to twice per turn, as long as this card is in your Used Pile. So, if you are in battle with a and miss the Gate Card on your roll you can reroll up to two times just for having the Ability Card in your Used Pile. The ‘Maxus Helios’ Helios' Ability Card does not allow you to use a fully assembled Maxus Helios in battle.
No, you do not want to share your code. Each code is unique to that specific Bakugan, so once you enter the code into Bakugan Dimensions it cannot be used again.
* I bought a Gundalian Invader Bakugan but it didn’t didn't come with a code – now what?
It is extremely important to make sure you purchase Bakugan from well known retailers to avoid buying any counterfeit products. If you believe you bought a Gundalian Invader Bakugan and it did not come with a secret DNA code, please contact our customer service department.
* Can you send me a Bakugan?
Unfortunately, we can’tcan't. We know it can be very frustrating when you can’t can't find Bakugan on the shelf at the store, but trust us when we say that the production teams are doing their best to get more product made as fast as possible.
* Are there any Bakugan tournaments in my area?