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Dragonoid (Generation 2)

1 byte removed, 06:06, 1 December 2022
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|-|BP Show=[[File:BBP-Dragonoid anime.png|250px]]
|-|AA Core=[[File:Pyrus Dragonoid BAA (open).png|250px]]
|-|AA /LE Ultra=[[File:Pyrus Dragonoid Ultra BAA (open).png|250px]]
|-|AA Show=[[File:BAA-Dragonoid anime.png|250px]]
|-|GR /EV Core=[[File:Pyrus Dragonoid BGR (open).png|250px]]
|-|GR Ultra=[[File:Pyrus Dragonoid Ultra BGR (Open).png|250px]]
|-|GR Show=[[File:BGR-Dragonoid anime.png|250px]]
|-|EV Core=[[File:???.png|250px]]
|-|EV Show=[[File:BEV-Dragonoid anime.png|250px]]
|-|LG Core=[[File:???.png|250px]]
|-|LG Show=[[File:???.png|250px]]
''[[Bakugan: Evolutions]]'' reuses the ''Geogan Rising'' mold of Dragonoid, but with different Character Cards that cannot be used by other year's Bakugan. The Mythic version uses the ''Battle Planet'' core mold. It is also the only year without a Dragonoid Ultra released.