*Farbros had the highest G-Power than any other known Mechanical Bakugan in the anime, with 800 Gs, if Assail Farbros doesn't count.
*Farbros was the only main antagonist's Bakugan who that wasn't a real Bakugan, - it was created by Professor Clay himself.*Farbros was the second Mechanical Bakugan to be destroyed by a mechanical Bakugan, the first was being [[Aluze]].
** Coincidentally they were both destroyed by Dryoid.
* Despite being recognized as a [[Pyrus]] Bakugan by all Gauntlets, Farbros was likely a Dextra Bakugan, being able to use all [[Attributes]] in some shape or form. This is reinforced by the Abilities '''Hellion Breath''', '''Super Cell''' and '''Ice Burst''', as they resemble [[Ventus]] and [[Aquos]] abilites respectively.