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Beta City Blues

1,350 bytes added, 05:29, 10 April 2023
Featured Brawl
*'''Shadow Life Force''': 300 Points (60%)
*'''Mylene Life Force''': 300 Points (60%)
''Part of the round is skipped. Shadow has Hades on the field, at base power level. Dan has Drago on the field, at a power level of 600 Gs. Baron has Nemus on the field, at a power level of 650 Gs''.
Shadow activates the [[Double Ability]] '''Phaser Trident + Photon Tail'''. (Drago 600 - 300) (Nemus 650 - 350)
Shadow opens his Gate Card ('''Darkus Reactor'''). (Hades 600 - 700)
Shadow activates the ability '''Saurer Cannon'''. (Hades 700 - 1600)
Dan activates the ability '''Fire Shield'''. (Hades 1600 - 1400)
Baron activates the ability '''Spark Roa'''. (Nemus 350 - 650) (Hades 1400 - 1100)
Nemus gets knocked out.
*'''Baron Life Force''': 50 Points (10%)
''Part of the round is skipped. Mylene has threwn out Elico and activated the ability '''Screw Blow'''. Dan counters with the ability '''Fire Shield'''. '' (Elico 400)
Shadow activates the ability '''Saurer Cannon'''. (Hades 1100 - 2000)
Dan activates the [[Perfect Core]] ability '''Dragon Contender'''. (Hades 2000 - 600) (Drago 400 - 1000)
Hades gets knocked out.
*'''Shadow Life Force''': 0
Mylene activates the ability '''Scramble Zwei'''. (Elico 400 - 1000) (Drago 1000 - 600)
Dan activates the Perfect Core ability '''Strike Dragon'''. (Drago 600 - 1000) (Elico 1000 - 600)
Elico gets knocked out.
*'''Mylene Life Force''': 0
'''Dan and Baron win the battle'''.
==Bakugan Seen==