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Counter Trap Beta

49 bytes added, 28 June
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|name = Counter Trap Beta
|image = [[File:Counter_Trap_Beta_48-48n.jpg|300px]]
|effect = Play at the beginning of the game. While this [[Ability Card|card]] is in a used pile, [[Haos#LegacyGeneration 1|Haos]], [[Darkus#LegacyGeneration 1|Darkus]] and [[Ventus#LegacyGeneration 1|Ventus]] [[Bakugan Trap]]s may only used by the player at the battle with the fewest [[Gate Card(Generation 1)|Gate Cards]]s in their used pile.
|series = Bakugan: New Vestroia
|power = N/A
==Featured With==
*[[Haos#LegacyGeneration 1|Haos]] [[Brontes]] in open ball form