* The [[Battle Brawlers|Brawlers]] have the addition of [[Spectra Phantom]] to complete their attribute circle. This is similar to what happened in ''[[Bakugan: Gundalian Invaders|Gundalian Invaders]] '' where [[Darkus#LegacyGeneration 1|Darkus]] was the last attribute to join the Brawlers officially ([[Ren Krawler|Ren]] and [[Linehalt]]) and in ''[[Bakugan Battle Brawlers]] '' where [[Alice Gehabich|Alice]] got [[Alpha Hydranoid]] from [[Masquerade]].* This is the first time a [[Vestal]] brawler from the [[Resistance]] has had a major role since ''[[BakuganBattle Brawlers: New Vestroia|New Vestroia]]''.