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1,426 bytes added, 00:49, 29 November 2024
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There are no released cards with the Rally Tag-Word. It , as the sets it would have been featured in - [[Secrets of the Geogan]] and [[GG]]- were both cancelled. However, multiple cards feature the same general effect as the Rally Tag-Word despite not being Rally cards themselves, which are listed here.===Cards using the same condition as Rally=======[[Battle Brawlers (Card set)|Battle Brawlers]]====<gallery widths="120" navigation="true">Hyper Garganoid Ultra (Haos Card) ENG 251 AR BB.png|[[Haos Hyper Garganoid Ultra (Battle Brawlers)]]</gallery>====[[Bakugan Resurgence]]====<gallery widths="120" navigation="true">Maximus Mantonoid Ultra (Haos Card) ENG 128 SR BR.png|[[Haos Maximus Mantonoid Ultra (Bakugan Resurgence)]]</gallery>====[[Age of Aurelus]]====<gallery widths="120" navigation="true">Shining Light ENG 29 CO AA.png|[[Shining Light]]Dee ENG 72 RA AA.png|[[Dee (Age of Aurelus)]]Hyper Vicerox (Haos Card) ENG 128 SR AA.png|[[Haos Hyper Vicerox (Age of Aurelus)]]Titan Turtonium Ultra (Haos Card) ENG 132 SR AA.png|[[Haos Titan Turtonium Ultra (Age of Aurelus)]]</gallery>====[[Fusion Force]]====<gallery widths="120" navigation="true">Haotic Redirect ENG 104 SR FF.png|[[Haotic Redirect]]</gallery>====[[Shields of Vestroia]]====<gallery widths="120" navigation="true">Trox x Nobilious Ultra (Haos Card) ENG 234b EC SV.png|[[Haos Aurelus Trox x Nobilious Ultra (Shields of Vestroia)]]Cloptor x Apollyon (Haos Card) ENG 251a EC SV.png|[[Haos Cloptor & Apollyon (Shields of Vestroia, Epic Character)]]</gallery>  