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Longfly is a flying Super Assault Bakugan with an attacking claw. He is a six winged stealth fighter that can attack before a rival Bakugan knows what hit it. He shakes his big wings while floating in the air and unleashes a massive shockwave knocking opponents on the ground. Longfly shoots out the long needle on his tail to take away his opponent’s opponent's power.
* '''Poison Flasher''': (Haos)
* '''Slid Pointer''': (Haos)
* '''Sonic Missile''': Subtracts 200 [[G -Power|Gs]] from each opponent. (Ventus)
=== [[Bakugan: Mechtanium Surge]] ===
[[Ventus#Legacy|Ventus]] and [[Haos#Legacy|Haos]] Longfly has appeared in many episodes in Arc 2 of [[Mechtanium Surge]]. He was seen arguing with Aerogan in episode 38 '[[Jump to Victory]]', also longfly was seen working in a construction site and in [[Bakugan Land]].
==Physical Game==
When opened, it has a giant spring, like [[Clawsaurus]], so it will shoot out a fly-like Bakugan. It has been shown on an issue Beckett Bakugan Magazine.
The [[Aquos#Legacy|Aquos]] version has 1180 and 1200 [[G-Power|Gs]], the [[Pyrus#LegacyGeneration 1|Pyrus]] version has 1150 Gs, the [[Haos#Legacy|Haos]] version has 1100 Gs, the [[Ventus#Legacy|Ventus]] version has 1100 Gs, the [[Subterra]] version has 1150 Gs, and the [[Darkus#Legacy|Darkus]] version has 1200 Gs.
It is the longest Bakugan (besides the [[Battle Gear]] [[Gigarth]]).