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Show Me the Power!

228 bytes added, 00:07, 9 April 2023
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Dan activates the Triple Ability '''Burning Tornado + Burning Dragon + Pyrus Slayer'''. (Drago and Scorpion 1150 - 1350 - 1550 - 1850) (Helios and Metalfencer 1200 - 1000 - 900)
Spectra activates the Double Ability '''Nova Defenser + Red Valkyrie'''. (Helios and Metalfencer 900 - 1100 - 1300 - 1500) (Drago and Scorpion 1850 - 1450)
Scorpion gets knocked out.
*'''Dan Life Force''': 250 Points (50%)
==Bakugan Seen==