Category:Geogan Rising Cards
This category contains all cards released during Bakugan: Geogan Rising.
Pages in category "Geogan Rising Cards"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 336 total.
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- Always on Offense
- Aquos Apophix Ultra (GG)
- Aquos Auratoa (GG)
- Aquos Babadrill (GG)
- Aquos Behemos (GG)
- Aquos Blackout
- Aquos Brightbeams
- Aquos Colossus (EV)
- Aquos Crackanoid (GG)
- Aquos Crustillion (GG)
- Aquos Cubbo (Pirate)
- Aquos Demorc Ultra (GG)
- Aquos Dragonoid (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Dragonoid Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Falcron (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Fangzor (EV, Mythic)
- Aquos Fenneca (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Fenneca Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Ferascal (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Ferascal Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Flames
- Aquos GeoForge Stingzer (GG)
- Aquos Ghost Beast (GG)
- Aquos Harperion (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Hurricrusher
- Aquos Hyenix (GG)
- Aquos Insectra (GG)
- Aquos Lightning Rain
- Aquos Montrapod (GG)
- Aquos Mutasect (GG)
- Aquos Nillious (GG)
- Aquos Ninjiton (GG)
- Aquos Oxidox (GG)
- Aquos Pincitaur (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Pincitaur Ultra (GG)
- Aquos Platinum Warrior Whale (EV)
- Aquos Serpillious Ultra (GG)
- Aquos Sharktar (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Sharktar Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Sluggler (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Spartillion (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Spear Fin (GG)
- Aquos Speed
- Aquos Stardox (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Steamstrike
- Aquos Stingzer (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Surturan (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aquos Swarmer (GG)
- Aquos Titan King (GG)
- Aquos Viperagon (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Amphrog (GG)
- Aurelus Auratoa (GG)
- Aurelus Babadrill (GG)
- Aurelus Behemos (GG)
- Aurelus Crustillion (GG)
- Aurelus Cubbo (King)
- Aurelus Cyndeous Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Demorc Ultra (GG)
- Aurelus Dragonoid (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Dragonoid Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Falcron (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Fenneca (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Fenneca Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Ferascal (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Ferascal Ultra (GG)
- Aurelus GeoForge Titan King (GG)
- Aurelus Ghost Beast (GG)
- Aurelus Harperion (GG)
- Aurelus Hyenix (GG)
- Aurelus Insectra (GG)
- Aurelus Mutasect (GG)
- Aurelus Nillious (GG)
- Aurelus Ninjiton (GG)
- Aurelus Oxidox (GG)
- Aurelus Pincitaur (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Pincitaur Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Sharktar (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Sharktar Ultra (GG)
- Aurelus Sky Horse (GG)
- Aurelus Sluggler (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Spartillion (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Spear Fin (GG)
- Aurelus Stardox (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Surturan (GG)
- Aurelus Swarmer (GG)
- Aurelus Titan King (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Aurelus Toronoid Ultra (GG)
- Aurelus Viloch (GG)
- Dark Ventus Disarm
- Darkus Apex
- Darkus Arachnia (GG)
- Darkus Arcleon (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Auratoa (GG)
- Darkus Crackanoid (GG)
- Darkus Crustillion (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Cubbo (Magician)
- Darkus Cubbo (Nillious)
- Darkus Demorc Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Dragonoid (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Dragonoid Ultra (GG)
- Darkus Eclipse
- Darkus Face Bomb
- Darkus Falcron (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Falcron Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Fenneca (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Fenneca Ultra (GG)
- Darkus Ferascal (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus GeoForge Montrapod (GG)
- Darkus Ghost Beast (GG)
- Darkus Harperion (GG)
- Darkus Hyenix (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Jettra (GG)
- Darkus Montrapod (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Mutasect (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Nillious (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Nillious Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Ninjiton (GG)
- Darkus Oxidox (GG)
- Darkus Piercer
- Darkus Pincitaur (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Pincitaur Ultra (GG)
- Darkus Sharktar (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Sharktar Ultra (GG)
- Darkus Sky Horse (GG)
- Darkus Sluggler (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Spartillion (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Darkus Stingzer (GG)
- Darkus Swarmer (GG)
- Darkus Toronoid Ultra (GG)
- Darkus Treasures
- Darkus Viloch (GG)
- Darkus Viloch Ultra (GG)
- Deep Dive (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Diamond Apophix Ultra (GG)
- Diamond Auratoa (GG)
- Diamond Demorc Ultra (GG)
- Diamond Dragonoid (GG)
- Diamond Dragonoid Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Diamond Falcron Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Diamond Fenneca (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Diamond Fenneca Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Diamond Ferascal (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Diamond Harperion (GG)
- Diamond Montrapod (GG)
- Diamond Nillious (GG)
- Diamond Nillious Ultra (GG)
- Diamond Pincitaur Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Diamond Sharktar (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Diamond Sharktar Ultra (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Diamond Sluggler (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Diamond Spartillion (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Diamond Stingzer (GG)
- Diamond Talan (Secrets of the Geogan)
- Diamond Viperagon (GG)
- Double Charge
- Double Destructor