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Bootleg:Meta/Image Policies

1,588 bytes added, 05:29, 5 June 2019
Image Naming
==Image Naming==
To separate bootleg images from the main Bakugan Wiki, all images uploaded for the Bootleg Wiki must follow a strict naming guideline. Images following every guideline except this will be renamed.  The generic naming scheme is  <code> Bootleg_SeriesName_ImageSubject_TypeOfImage_Position_Notes </code> Underscores separate each category. Pascal case should be used for multiword entries. <code> Bootleg</code>: This prefix must precedes every single image uploaded for Bootleg Wiki purposes. This is to differentiate our images from official Bakugan images on the main wiki.  <code> SeriesName </code>: The name of the series the image comes from. Use official English name if possible, otherwise use an adequate English translation. If the image is to be used for meta-wiki purposes, this category should be <code>Meta</code>. This category must be filled.  <code> ImageSubject </code>: The subject of the image. This could be the toy name, logos, episodes, etc. This category should use official English translations, else use an adequate English translation if not available. This category must be filled.  <code>TypeOfImage</code>: The form of the image. This category can be one of the following* <code>Photo</code>: Real photo of the subject. Images of actual physical toys taken out of the box falls under this.* <code>Packaging</code>: Packaging of the toy. * <code>Render</code>: Rendered image of CAD models. This category should only be used for toys.* <code>Art</code>: Non-physical, non-CAD images of the subject. This includes character art, CGI models, sketches. * <code>Screenshot</code>: Screenshot of an episode or official media.  For simple images like logos, this category can be omitted.