<u>'''Marucho throws out [[Aquos (Legacy)|Aquos]] [[Robotallion]] onto his own Gate Card. (Power: 310 Gs)'''</u>
<u>'''Kosuke throws out [[Darkus (Legacy)|Darkus]] [[Robotallion]] against Aquos Robotallion. (Power: 310 Gs)'''</u>
Marucho's Gate Card ('''Robotallion Character''') is activated. (Aquos Robotallion: 620 Gs - Darkus Robotallion: 620 Gs)
<u>'''Marucho throws out [[Aquos (Legacy)|Aquos]] [[Terrorclaw]] onto his newly set Gate Card. (Power: 290 Gs)'''</u>
<u>'''Kosuke throws out [[Darkus (Legacy)|Darkus]] [[Fear Ripper]] against Saurus. (Power: 350 Gs)'''</u>
Runo opens her Gate Card ('''Haos Normal: +100 Gs'''). (Saurus: 410 Gs - Fear Ripper: 350 Gs)
<u>'''Takashi throws out [[Pyrus (Legacy)|Pyrus]] [[Gargonoid]] against Terrorclaw. (Power: 320 Gs)'''</u>
Takashi activates '''Rapid Fire''', allowing Kosuke to throw in [[Darkus (Legacy)|Darkus]] [[Juggernoid]] to join in the battle (Power: 290 Gs). (Gargonoid & Juggernoid: 610 Gs - Terrorclaw: 290 Gs)
Marucho opens his Gate Card ('''Trade Off'''), a [[Command Card]] which overthrows any Bakugan with a Power Level over 400 Gs. (Terrorclaw: 290 Gs - Gargonoid & Juggernoid: 0 Gs). Gargonoid and Juggernant are both wiped out. Gargonoid returns to Takashi and Juggernoid returns to Kosuke, both in ball forms. Terrorclaw returns to Marucho in ball form. Marucho's second Gate Card vanishes.