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Bakugan Wiki:Rulebook

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==Playing Cards, Abilities, and Effects (Section 6)==
*6.1.1. There are game actions that will cause a change in priority (see rule 1.14). Before priority is changed, the player taking any of these game actions may respond to their own effects. Once a player has added everything they wish to the batch, play passes to the non-acting player (see rule 7.6).
===Playing Cards===
*6.2.1. To play a card is to pay its costs and move it from the hand and put it in the batch. A player must have priority to play a card.
** Playing a card requires the player with priority to announce the card and move it from where it is to the batch. It becomes the top card of the batch and will be the next effect to happen unless a player adds a card to the batch before it resolves. At the time the playing of a card is on the batch, it may be negated by an effect.
** If the card has decisions within the effect, players make them upon announcing the playing of the card. This includes what the effect will be affecting.
** Additional costs associated with the playing of a card must be paid and identified when the playing of the card is announced.
===Triggered Abilities===
*6.3.1. Triggered abilities are abilities that have specified conditions in which they occur. They typically appear as "When/if/at/other", "condition", "effect".
*6.3.2. If a Triggered ability has each of its conditions met, the result is put on the top of the batch. All rules that apply to the resolution of a card’s play effect in the batch (see 4.4) apply to a triggered ability in the batch.
*6.3.3. If multiple triggered abilities would occur simultaneously, "the starting player" first places each of his or her abilities in the batch in the order he or she chooses. Then the other player places his or her abilities on top of the batch in the order he or she chooses.
** In the case of a game with 3+ players, “the starting player” first places each of his or her abilities in the batch in the order he or she chooses. This process then proceeds clockwise until all players with triggered abilities have placed their abilities in the batch.
*6.3.4. If a triggered ability is optional, the controller decides whether or not they put the ability in the batch.[4]
*6.3.5. Some triggered abilities have conditions under which their effect will happen. These conditions must be met when the ability resolves in order for the effect to take place.
===Activated Abilities===
*6.4.1. Activated abilities have a cost and effect. They appear as “[cost]: [effect]”.
*6.4.2. In order for an activated ability to be announced, all costs must be paid. Once costs are paid and the ability is announced, the effect is put on the top of the batch (see rule 4.4). All rules that apply to the resolution of a card's play effect in the batch apply to an activated ability in the batch.
*6.4.3. Some activated abilities have conditions under which their cost can be paid. These conditions must be met in order for the cost of an activated ability to be paid.
*6.4.4. Some activated abilities have conditions under which their effect will happen. These conditions must be met when the ability resolves in order for the effect to take place.
===Static Abilities===
*6.5.1. Static abilities take effect constantly rather than being activated or triggered at a particular time. They appear as statements on a card.
*6.5.2. BakuCore effects are considered static abilities while they are held by a Character card.
** Some Characters have static abilities that are applied if they are holding a specific type of BakuCore. These appear as “(BakuCore Icon): (effect).”
**6.5.3. Static abilities can be active in a player’s hand, discard pile or the batch. These abilities will make statements about being in the zone they are active in. If there is no such statement, the ability only applies while in play.
===Energy Abilities===
*6.6.1. Energy cards can be activated any time a player has priority. Using Energy cards to create Energy is called an Energy ability
*6.6.2. Energy abilities are not put in the batch.
===Completing Effects===
*6.7.1. Whenever there is an effect in the batch, if all players choose to not take any actions, the effect on top of the batch completes.
** Upon completion, all conditions of an effect must be met in order for the effect to take place.
** Upon completion, all selections and choices of an effect must still be available and legal in order for it to take place.
** Upon completion, the controller of an effect follows all instructions of the effect in the order the text is written.[5]
** Upon completion, some effects will have choices for a player to make. These choices are made in order for the effect to take place.
** Upon completion, if an effect needs to check the state of the game, it checks once at the moment of completion.
** If the above ( - are all met and decided, the effect leaves the batch and takes place.
*6.8.1. An effect is defined as anything that happens in the game that is a result of playing a card or using an ability.
*6.8.2. Effects are assumed to apply to Character cards unless otherwise stated in the text.
*6.8.3. If an effect exceeds possibilities, it only does as much as possible.
===Continuous Effects===
*6.9.1. Continuous effects modify something for as long as they are active. They read as statements in text.
*6.9.2. Once a continuous effect is in play, it is treated as a true statement and can no longer be responded to.
===Negate Effects===
*6.10.1. Negate effects appear as ["negate" a "object/event"].
*6.10.2. Negate effects remove effects from the batch.
** When a card or ability is removed from the batch, the effects of that card do not happen.
** The card that created the negated effect goes to the discard pile in the case of an action.
** A BakuCore that is negated is returned to the BakuCore Field (see rule 4.7).
** An effect that was created by a card in play is removed from the batch but the card that created the effect remains in play.
==Additional Rules (Section 7)==
===Gameplay Terms===
*7.2.1. Charge
** Charge, charged, and charging refer to vertical Energy cards. At the end of the turn, all Energy cards become charged.
*7.2.2. Uncharge
** Uncharge, uncharged, and uncharging refer to horizontal Energy cards. Uncharging an Energy card produces energy (see rule 1.7.).
*7.2.3. Spend
** Spend refers to the action being made when uncharging a charged Energy card. To spend an Energy card, turn it from vertical to horizontal. This action produces an energy that can be used to play cards.
*7.2.4. Energize
** Energize refers to taking a card from a zone and putting it into play as an Energy card.
*7.2.5. Retract
** Retract refers to returning an open Bakugan to its closed form and placing (see rule 4.7) back any BakuCores it may be holding.
*7.2.6. Open
** Open Bakugan are any Bakugan that opened during the Roll phase (see rule 5.5). In addition, Bakugan that have previously won a Bakugan Brawl, but have not yet been retracted from abilities or the Team Attack (see rule 5.12), are also open.
** A Bakugan does not need to have a BakuCore attached to it in order to be considered open, but must open as a result of the magnet portion of the Bakugan hitting a BakuCore. If an illegal roll has been made, that roll is considered missed (see rule 5.7 for legal roles).
*7.2.7. Trigger
** Triggers can result from any of the following events: a card being played, another ability being triggered or activated, starting a new phase or step, and ending a new phase or step.
** When a trigger occurs, it enters the batch (see rule 4.4).
*7.2.8. Flip
** Cards that are flipped are turned face up, one at a time, from the top of a player’s deck.
*7.2.9. Stop
** A stop will end all remaining damage from the damage origin (see rule 1.15.1.).
*7.2.10. Victor
** The Victor is decided each turn during the Victor step (see rule 5.10), when the Bakugan with the highest B-Power is declared.
===Keyword Abilities===
*7.3.1. DoubleStrike
** A Bakugan with DoubleStrike deals twice the amount of damage based on its (DR) all at once when it attacks.
*** Example - If a Bakugan has 5(DR) and has DoubleStrike, it will deal 10 damage when it attacks its opponent.
** When a Brawl Phase’s outcome is decided by (DR) instead of (BP), count the Bakugan’s (DR) amount, and not the DoubleStrike damage.
*7.3.2. ShadowStrike
** Bakugan with ShadowStrike can't have its (DR) or (BP) reduced by cards or BakuCores.
*** Example - If a Bakugan with ShadowStrike is the Victor of the Brawl Phase and they are attacked to a BakuCore that gives -2 (DR), the BakuCore is ignored.
** When a Bakugan gains ShadowStrike, it reverts any effects that reduced its (DR) or (BP) that turn.
*7.3.3. FrostStrike
** Bakugan with FrostStrike increases the losing opponent’s Flip card costs by that amount.
*** Example - If an attacking Bakugan has 1 FrostStrike and the opponent wants to play any Flip cards from the Bakugan's damage, they will have to pay an extra 1 Energy to do so.
** If the attacking Bakugan gains any amount of (FrostStrike) in response to a Flip card, it does not retroactively affect Flip card costs that turn.
===Tag-Word Abilities===
*7.4.1. Turbo
** Cards with Turbo get their bonus effects if the player playing the card has more Energy cards in play than any opponent.
*7.4.2. Flow
** Cards with Flow get their bonus effects if the player playing the card has played another card previously that turn.
*7.4.3. Fury
** Cards with Fury get their bonus effects if the player playing the card has no hand.
*7.4.4. Sacrifice
** Cards with Sacrifice get their bonus effects if the player playing the card discards a card from their hand as they play it.
*7.4.5. Domination
** Cards with Domination get their bonus effects if the player playing the card has more BakuCores connected to their Bakugan than any opponent.
===Starting Player===
*7.5.1. Determining the starting player at the start of the game is accomplished by flipping a BakuCore. One player flips a BakuCore edge over edge, while the other player calls either "heads", the BakuCore's symbol, or "tails", the BakuCore's text. If predicted correctly, that player wins the toss and becomes the starting player for the game.
===Acting Player===
*7.6.1. The acting player is the player who has priority (see rule 1.13). Once that player passes priority, the non-acting player then becomes the acting player.
===Copying Cards and Abilities===
*7.7.1. When a card or ability copies another card or ability’s effect, treat it as if it had been played independently.
*7.7.2. Copied cards do not have the modified abilities granted to the original card.
*7.7.3. If the original card or ability that was copied is negated, it does not negate its copies.
*7.7.4. Copied cards and abilities must be played immediately, or it is lost.
===Illegal Actions===
*7.8.1. Illegal Card Plays
** When a player plays a card that they could not pay the Energy cost for, or are prevented from playing it, it is an illegal card play.
** Illegal card plays are negated and any effects are reversed.
** Illegally played cards are returned to its owner’s hand and any Energy used to pay for it returns to that player’s Energy Pool.
** Illegally played cards returned to their owner’s hand may still be played legally.
*7.8.2. Illegal Bakugan Plays
** When a Bakugan is rolled closer than two card lengths from the edge of the closest BakuCore in the BakuCore Field, it is an illegal Bakugan roll.
** When a Bakugan is bounced or dropped onto or into the play area instead of rolled on the surface of the play area, it is an illegal Bakugan roll.
** When a Bakugan opens without contacting a BakuCore, it is an illegal roll.
** When an open Bakugan that had not been retracted is rolled, it is an illegal Bakugan roll.
** Any BakuCores picked up during an illegal roll are returned to their original place in the BakuCore Field and any BakuCore bonuses are negated.
** Bakugan rolled illegally are reset to their previous position, either open or closed.
** A new roll can be made with returned Bakugan if it can be rolled legally.
===Handling Mis-rolls===
*7.9.1. If a rolled Bakugan rolls off the play area, or does not enter the play area, it is a mis-roll.
*7.9.2. Mis-rolls are treated as a roll that did not result in the Bakugan opening.
===Taking Control of a Card===
*7.10.1. When control of a card is moved from one player to another, that player is now the controller of that card.
*7.10.2. When a controlled card is discarded from play, it is placed in its original owner's discard pile.
==Multiplayer Rules (Section 8)==
*8.1.1. Multiplayer rules follow the full version of the Bakugan game, with some modifications.
*8.2.1. Priority rules remain the same (see rule 1.13) but pass in a clockwise direction.
*8.2.2. In the case that the starting player (see rule 7.5) is not part of the Bakugan Brawl, the player closest to the starting player, going clockwise, wins ties.
*8.2.3. The Victor deals damage to each other player, rather than just one player.
*8.2.4. When a player has no cards remaining in their deck and is dealt damage, that player is eliminated from the game, but the game does not end until there is only one remaining player
==Cardless Rules (basic game) (Section 9)==
*9.1.1. The basic game is played only using Bakugan along with their corresponding Character cards, and BakuCores that match the BakuCore indicators on those Character cards.
*9.2.1. Each player must have three Bakugan toys along with their appropriate Character cards.
*9.2.2. Player's pick six BakuCores that match the BakuCore indicators of the Bakugan they have selected.
*9.2.3. Randomly determine who will be the starting player and who will be the non-starting player. During each phase of the game where players must make a decision, the starting player will be the player to act first and the non-starting player will act last.
===Roll Phase===
*9.3.1. The Roll Phase consists of two steps: the Selection Step and the Rolling Step. During this phase, players cannot play cards or use abilities.
*9.3.2. Bakugan can either be rolled end over end, slid or spun forward.
*9.3.3. Bakugan must be rolled at least 2 card lengths from the edge of the closest BakuCore in the BakuCore Field.
*9.3.4. Bakugan cannot be bounced or dropped onto or into the play area, it must stay on the play area surface.
*9.3.5. If after three rolls, neither Bakugan open, start the Brawl Phase as if both Bakugan opened without collecting a BakuCore.
===Selection Step===
*9.4.1. Starting with the starting player, each player chooses an unopened (see rule 7.2.6) Bakugan to roll and places it in front of them.
===Rolling Step===
*9.5.1. Prior to rolling the selected Bakugan, each player simultaneously says “Bakugan Brawl!” and rolls their Bakugan towards the BakuCore Field.
*9.5.2. Each player that opened (see rule 7.2.6) a rolled Bakugan reveals their face down Bakugan Character card and moves to the Brawl Phase. If neither Bakugan opened, start over from the beginning of the Roll Step.
===Brawl Phase===
*9.6.1. Each Bakugan that is part of the Brawl phase gains any BakuCore abilities from the BakuCores it picked up.
*9.6.2. Compare BPower to see who has the higher BPower and wins the Bakugan Brawl. In the case of a tie, the winner is the starting player.
*9.6.3. Collect all BakuCores from the winning Bakugan and put them next to that Bakugan’s Character card.
** If the winning players Bakugan did not pick up a BakuCore when it opened, that player selects one from the BakuCore Field and put it next to that Bakugan’s Character card.
*9.6.4. Players retract (see rule 7.2.5) losing Bakugan and place back any BakuCores they were holding back on the BakuCore Field (see rule 4.7).
*9.7.1. Once a player has collected three BakuCores, that player is declared the winner.