,*'''Anthemusa''': Sirenoid attracts all opponents to her Gate Card. Additionally, if the opponents are from the same team, their [[G-Power]] does not combine like on a Triple Battle.
*'''Forcement Wave''' (''Forcing Wave/Forcing Wind/Forcement Wind''): Adds 100 Gs to Sirenoid.
*'''Dive Mirage''': Moves Sirenoid to any different [[Gate Card (Legacy)|Gate Card]] and prevents it from opening.
In ''[[Saved By the Siren]]'', Sirenoid later rejoins Klaus when he goes to [[Vestal]] and aid's in [[Ace]]'s defeat of [[Mylene]]. When Klaus congratulates her on her victory, she blushes in a bashful fashion. For some reason, Klaus keeps Sirenoid in a fish bowl. She also acts as Klaus' secretary, informing him of any meetings and events he must attend to during the day.