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Physical Game
==Physical Game==
[[Subterra]] Foxbat comes with 780 Gs and 730 Gs and [[Haos (Legacy)|Haos]] Foxbat comes with 740 Gs and 660 Gs (GI coloring) and the Foxbat in the Toys 'R' Us Maxus Helios has 600 Gs. BakuFlip Darkus Foxbat has 590 Gs. The [[Ventus (Legacy)|Ventus]] version is 750 Gs. A Ventus version with 600 Gs can be found in a New Vestroia Battle Pack. An Aquos Foxbat can come with a Brawler Game Pack with 700 Gs. {{GBase|pyrus = N/A|aquos = 700 Gs (Brawler Game Pack)|subterra = 730 Gs, 780 Gs|haos Availability= 660 Gs (GI coloring), 740 Gs, or 540 Gs|darkus = 590 Gs (BakuFlip), 600 Gs (Maxus Helios)|ventus = 600 Gs (New Vestroia Battle Pack), 750 Gs|clear = N/A{{Foxbat Bakulog}}