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===[[Bakugan: New Vestroia]]===
In ''[[Revenge of the Vexos]]'', Dryoid was first seen when [[Hydron]] battles [[Baron]], who the former wins against. After defeating Baron, Hydron took the [[Haos#Legacy|Haos]] [[attributeAttribute]] energy from [[Saint Nemus]].
In ''[[Elfin On the Run]]'', he appears when Hydron and [[Shadow Prove]] battle [[Marucho]], [[Minx Elfin]], and [[Preyas]]. Hydron and Shadow Prove acquired the [[Aquos#Legacy|Aquos]] energy from Minx Elfin, but later lost to [[Preyas]].
* Dryoid is one of the [[Bakugan]] with the most Fusion Abilities and is one of the six Bakugan that has more than one Fusion Ability. The others are [[Infinity Dragonoid]], [[Vexos Dragonoid]], [[Neo Dragonoid]], [[Helix Dragonoid]], [[Knight Percival]], and [[Linehalt]].
* Dryoid is the only Bakugan ever shown to be able to activate consecutive Fusion Abilities (not including Hex Dragonoid's attributeAttribute-changing fusion abilities).
* It is also one of the three Bakugan and the only [[Mechanical Bakugan]] to use a [[Triple Ability]]. The others are [[Viper Helios]] and Neo Dragonoid.
** Also, it is the only Bakugan to use a Triple Fusion Ability.