From The Bakugan Wiki
*Wrath bears little some resemblance to [[Tigrerra]] from the Legacy series.
**Both are tiger-based Bakugan and sport a similar black V-shaped pattern on their design.
**Both are Haos Bakugan.
**Upon evolving, they become humanoid creatures, albeit Wrath's evolution to Strength Mode is ephemeral while Tigrerra's is permanent.
*Wrath is the first reboot main antagonist, as well as the first main antagonist in the entire Bakugan franchise, to be [[Haos]].
**[[Naga]] has no Attribute.
**[[Coredegon]] and [[Seis Tavanel]] are both [[Darkus]].
**[[Tiko]] and [[Viloch]] are both [[Aurelus]].
**[[King Zenoheld]], [[Barodius]] and [[Haavik]] are all not Vestroian in origin, and therefore do not have an Attribute or Faction.