From The Bakugan Wiki
*After season 1, Marucho's forehead birthmark became much less prominent.
*Marucho has had the most Partners with two or one under his ownership, as Shun only had [[Ingram]] after [[Storm Skyress]] decided to stay in [[New Vestroia]], [[Drago (Dan Kuso)|Drago]] being [[Dan]]'s only Partner, and most of the other characters being absent from the events of other seasons.
*Marucho is the only member of the Brawlers whose Partners are from all worlds seen (Preyas, Elfin, and Radizen from Vestroia/New Vestroia, Akwimos from Neathia, and Trister from Gundalia).
*Marucho is the youngest out of the six original Battle Brawlers by 1–3 years.
**Marucho's age differs on older TV Tokyo sites, being listed as one year younger than his canonical age of 11.<ref>[https://web.archive.org/web/20070510004845/http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/bakugan/ TV Tokyo Character page]</ref>
**Although Dan is said to be 12 in ''Battle Brawlers'' and 15 in ''New Vestroia'' and Shun is said to be 13 in ''Battle Brawlers'' and 16 in ''New Vestroia'', Marucho is said to be 11 in ''Battle Brawlers'' and 13 in ''New Vestroia''. It is possible that his birthday hadn't passed yet in which case, he might have turned 14 during the 6-month timeskip between Arc 1 and Arc 2 of ''New Vestroia''.
*He is one of the seven characters that have appeared in all four seasons; the other six are [[Dan Kuso]], [[Drago (Dan Kuso)|Drago]], [[Shun Kazami]], [[Julie Makimoto]], [[Miyoko Kuso]], and [[Kato]].
*In the Japanese version of the anime, Marucho's Bakugan all speak with a [[wikipedia:Kansai dialect|Kansai accent]].
*His personality is also similar to Kenny from ''Beyblade'', and Kenny's Beyblade is called "Hopper", which is also [[Akwimos]]'s Japanese name.