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|image = [[File:Tentaclear.png|250px]]
|power = 370
'''Tentaclear''', {{Nihongo|'''Flashal'''|フラッシャル|Furassharu}} in the Japanese version, is a [[Bakugan]] with the [[Haos#Legacy|Haos]] [[Attribute]], and is [[Julio Santana]]'s [[Partner Bakugan]]. It is a hovering eye with six tentacles around it.
In Japan, its [[Ventus#Legacy|Ventus]] version in BCV-01 comes with 260 [[G-Power|Gs]] or 460 Gs.
Tentaclear has been released in all attributesAttributes: [[Pyrus#Legacy|Pyrus]] has 450 and 580 Gs; [[Aquos#Legacy|Aquos]] has 400 and 600 Gs; Haos has 280, 340, 520, 550, and 630 Gs; Ventus has 530 Gs; [[Subterra]] has 460 Gs; and [[Darkus#Legacy|Darkus]] has 500 Gs. ==Trading Card Game=={{Tentaclear Cardlog}}
*It might be somehow related to [[Irisca]].
*Tentaclear looks similar to [[Volt Elezoid]].
*In the video game, '''Flare Blinder '''is misspelled as '''Flare Binder'''. ==References=={{Reflist}}
{{Bakugan 1}}