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Hydranoid (Generation 1)

527 bytes added, 16:50, 22 January 2024
Trivia: Added more info on his pyrus appearance and corrected some grammar
*Hydranoid is based off on the ''Hydra'', a monster of Greek Mythology, that had the body of a serpent and multiple heads.*As an easter egg, in episode one of the series you can see a [[Pyrus#Generation 1|Pyrus]] Hydranoid in [[Dan]]'s Bakugan box, specifically in the upper right corner of it. It is drawn based on the first concept art of the Hydranoid's ball form before he got his numerous neck spikes. This concept art, despite being black and white, was originally drawn with a Pyrus symbol. This is likely the reason why he was only released as Darkus and Pyrus in the physical game. In terms of the anime, it can be assumed it was an error.
*As Alpha Hydranoid/Dual Hydranoid Bakugan form he is able to speak from each head as opposed to ball form when only one can.
*When Hydranoid first appeared his voice was high and human-like.
*In the trailer for the Bakugan Video Game, Masquerade is seen throwing an [[Aquos#Legacy|Aquos]] [[Dual Hydranoid]], but it stood stands as a normal [[Darkus#Legacy|Darkus]] Hydranoid.
*Hydranoid is missing its horn in the DS version of the Bakugan: Battle Brawler game.
*According to, ''all abilities of Hydranoid can be performed by its evolutions''.