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DNA Fragment (Bakugan Dimensions)

A DNA Fragment was an item that you get in Bakugan Dimensions by uploading a DNA Code. In every DNA Code - you get a Bakugan and a number of DNA Fragments for other Bakugan as well. Bakugan usually come with two of their own DNA fragment as well as another Bakugan's, and a Rare DNA Fragment. These items were never given a use in the game.

There also existed extra DNA Fragments called "Rare DNA Fragments", which came alongside other DNA Fragments whenever a player entered a DNA Code. Similarly to normal DNA Fragments, these "rare" fragments were never given an implementation.


  • It was once believed that if somebody collected 20 of the same type of DNA Fragment, you would get that Bakugan on Bakugan Dimensions. But this was proven to be incorrect as DNA Fragments were never used for anything.
  • You could look at your DNA Fragments by clicking on your "Book Bag" icon.
  • Most Bakugan's DNA fragments contained multiple different attributes from different Bakugan.
