
From The Bakugan Wiki

Toy Battling Game/How to Play

50 bytes added, 05:37, 20 December 2019
Text replacement - "Hydorous" to "Hydorous"
*'''3 [[Bakugan]]''': Players must use three Bakugan in order to play the game. These Bakugan must not be ''exactly'' the same, so you cannot use 2 [[Darkus]] [[Nillious (Battle Planet)|Nillious]] Bakugan since they are the exact same Bakugan. While [[Ventus]] and [[Haos]] Nillious are the same Bakugan, they aren't the ''exact'' same due to these two Bakugan having different stats. Addionally, a Core and Ultra Darkus Nillious are also not exactly the same Bakugan because Core and Ultra Bakugan have different stats even if they are the same Faction.
*'''3 [[Character Card (Reboot)|Character Card]]s''': These Character Cards ''must match'' the Bakugan you are using. So if you are using a [[Pyrus]] [[Hydorous (Battle Planet)|Hydorous]], you must use the [[Hydorous (Pyrus Card)|Pyrus Hydorous Character Card]].
*'''6 [[BakuCore]]s''': On the Bakugans respective Character Card, there are two BakuCores shown. For example, the [[Trox (Ventus Card)|Ventus Trox Character Card]] shows this card has the {{MagicShield}} (Magic Shield) and {{Helix}} (Helix) BakuCores. There are many {{Helix}} (Helix) BakuCores with different effects, you may use any Helix BakuCore (and other type of BakuCore) as long as it matches symbol of the paired BakuCore on the Character Card.
As shown in this image, the [[Pyrus]] [[Dragonoid (Battle Planet)|Dragonoid]] collected a {{Shield}} (Shield) BakuCore that increases the Bakugan's B-Power by 400 if it is {{Attribute|Pyrus2}} or {{Attribute|Ventus2}}. The Bakugan has {{Power}}200 on the Character Card, with the BakuCore, Pyrus Dragonoid's power level becomes {{Power}}600!
The opponent used a Darkus Hydorous as seen in this image, [[Darkus]] [[Hydorous (Battle Planet)|Hydorous]] has {{Power}}300 on its Character Card, it collected a {{Shield}} (Shield) BakuCore with an effect that lowers the B-Power by 300. Darkus Hydorous now has 0 B-Power.
'''Note''': A Bakugan cannot have a negative B-Power or Damage Rating, if the Bakugan has a B-Power of 200 and the BakuCore it picked up lowers its {{Power}} by -300, it will stay at 0 and not become negative.