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Hydro Barrage

Revision as of 05:42, 12 September 2019 by Abce2 (talk | contribs) (This may be a more condensed page, but having the sections distinctly separate helps keep elements distinct during editing, which especially helps newer editors. That's why these sections are styled like this.)

[[Category:{{{series}}} Cards]] [[Category:Ability Cards ({{{series}}})]] [[Category:Action Cards ({{{series}}})]] [[Category:Aquos Cards ({{{series}}})]]

Hydro Barrage (#5)
Draw a card.

Flow: If you have played another card this turn, +500 Icon-power.png.

Series: [[{{{series}}}]]
Card Type: Action


Energy: 3 Battle Planet Energy Symbol.png
Set: Age of Aurelus
Serial: 5_CO_AA
Rarity: Common
Artist: Unknown

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