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Team Attack

Revision as of 03:59, 30 December 2019 by Abce2 (talk | contribs)

A Team Attack is a gameplay element in the Bakugan Reboot TCG that allows a player to attack their opponent with all three of their open Bakugan at once.

To conduct a team attack, two criteria must be met:

  • All three of the players Bakugan must be open
  • The player must have won the previous Power Phase.

How to use a Team Attack

Once a player meets both criteria, they may initiate a Team Attack. During the Team Attack, the player combines the Damage Rating of their open Bakugan, including any attached BakuCores that add additional Damage. However, Tag-Word Abilities only apply to the Team Attack if Victor Bakugan, or the Bakugan that won the previous Power Phase, has the Ability.

After a Team Attack is completed, each Bakugan that the attacking player controls is retracted.