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Aluze (S14/14rF)

Aluze (
Target of DisgraceThis card possesses a secondary name

Aluze (S14-14rF).png

Can be used by all Attributes
During your opponent's next turn, they cannot chose a Bakugan to roll
Second Condition:
Play at the end of a battle
Second Effect:
If this ability card is used, your Bakugan gets +180 G-Power
Series: Bakugan: New Vestroia
Type: Bakugan Arcade Battlers Card
Bakugan Card Stats:

Ventus Ventus

G-Power: 850 G
Speed (スピード?): 6
Attack (アタック?): 4
Defense (ディフェンス?): 4
Control (コントロール?): 5
Time (タイム?): 5
Magnet (マグネット?): 5

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