Opponent Bakugan
Opponent Bakugan is the place in Eva's Ship where you can see information about any Bakugan you have faced so far in the game.
Bakugan: Rise of the ResistanceEdit
There is a total of seventeen opponent Bakugan through the entire game; Seven Normals, Three Leaders, and Five Ultimates, not including Knight Percival and Mega Brontes, which never appeared there. The Opponent Bakugan area tells you everything you need to know about them; their Attribute, their HP, their speed, and their attack power.
Clawsaurus' Data
Ramdol's Data
Farakspin's Data
Verias' Data
Krowll's Data
Premo Vulcan's Data
Dryoid's Data
Infinity Helios' Data (Notice his Ball Form is Mutant Helios)
Razenoid's Data
Bolcanon's Data
Krakenoid's Data
Vertexx's Data
Dharak's Data
Taylean's Data